Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Great Checkbook Experiment Day 2

Yesterday I virtually purchased an iPad for my wife. It should feign to arrive in 7-10 days. I think tomorrow I will purchase one for the boy, and maybe for myself. What to purchase today?

Today is the second day. Adding another two thousand dollars brings the current balance to $2004.00. I know I'll be purchasing a lot of electronics in these early days. Just to keep things interesting, how about something else?

Aha! My wife has been wanting a replacement sewing machine for a long time now. With this sort of buying power, she will never need sew again unless she simply wants to, so maybe this Singer will be something she will enjoy using for all those projects she has wanted to accomplish.

The Singer sewing machine costs $1995.00 plus $4.95 shipping and handling from Amazon. Subtracted from the previous balance of $2004 leaves a balance forward of $4.05.

These first days I am certain are the easiest, yet I am already feeling the challenge of getting it all spent.

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